The term accreditation (lat. accredere, to give credence) is used in various fields to describe the fact that one generally recognised body certifies that another fulfils a particular quality.
Training providers for Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)® that have so far been recognised by ISAN and accredited by ANTHROPOS-SOPHIA can be found under Advanced training.
The accreditation has the following aims by setting basic formal and content-related educational standards based on the certification guidelines between AGAHP, ISAN and the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum as well as in the international framework curriculum Anthroposophic Naturopathy:
The International Society of Anthroposophic Naturopathy (ISAN), founded in Dornach on 13 September 2018, as a group on a factual field in the AAG, is responsible in collaboration with the General Society of Anthroposophic Naturopaths (Allgemeine Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Heilpraktikerinnen und Heilpraktiker AGAHP e. V.), according to the statutes, is responsible for the development of the extended certification rules. The statutes state: "For this purpose, a commission of two members of ISAN is formed with at least one representative of AGAHP as the trademark holder of the trademark Anthroposophical Healing (AGAHP) registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office DPMA. The members of the commission receive a mandate from the Executive Board for the further development of the present certification guidelines."
This circle takes into account the following key data:
[1] The Quality Seal Anthroposophical Naturopathy (AGAHP)® is registered as a trademark at the German Patent and Trademark Office DPMA. The quality seal Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)® may only be used after certification and authentication by the professional association. Anyone using the trademark without authorisation by the AGAHP can now be warned off by the AGAHP. This is not a form of "protection of vested rights", but the protection of an identity-creating copyright, which is also significant in the esoteric context, and is now anchored in legal life. (AGAHP Manual 2014)
Further training serves to develop the skills already acquired in professional life and expands the professional scope of action beyond the current professional activity. As a result, further training measures are usually more comprehensive and extensive than continuing education - and thus involve a correspondingly higher expenditure of time.
Further training in the healing arts is offered by recognised further training providers (such as ANTHROPOS-SOPHIA and other association schools). The Educational institute for anthroposophic naturopaths ANTHROPOS-SOPHIA is the central training body of ISAN. It offers further and advenced training in anthroposophic healing, certifies graduates in Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)® and accredits further training in Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)® in agreement with the General Association of Anthroposophic Naturopath (AGAHP).
The costs can be subsidised by private funding, by state subsidies.
ISAN is working intensively to improve the profession. To this end it adopted the AGAHP certification system, which was developed in collaboration with the Medical Section at the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum/Dornach (Switzerland).
An important step in this direction was the introduction of certification guidelines and the registration of the trademark "Anthroposophical Naturopathy (AGAHP)®" at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA) in 2012 in favour of the professional association AGAHP. From now on, the professional association is the only one allowed to train, educate and certify practitioners in Anthroposophic Naturopathy. This trademarked seal of quality alone ensures qualification in Anthroposophic Naturopathy, in addition to an international framework curriculum.
The fulfilment of all these standards for Anthroposophic Naturopaths, which were developed in close collaboration with the Medical Section, is an inner obligation for all Naturopaths in our Association. They contribute to the further safeguarding and recognition of the profession.
Certification by the professional association is a prerequisite for the use of the trademark registered at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA): Anthroposophische Heilkunde (AGAHP)® and the designation Anthroposophic Naturopath (AGAHP). [1]
With the professional profile of Anthroposophic Naturopaths confirmed by IKAM (International Coordination for Anthroposophic Medicine), ISAN represents Anthroposophic Naturopaths both within the Medical Section at the Goetheanum and in public.
[1] Anyone who uses the trademark Anthroposophische Heilkunde (AGAHP) or a confusable designation without authorisation from the AGAHP can now be warned by us.
If companies advertise with protected trademark designations without the consent of the rights holder, this constitutes a trademark infringement.
The protection of the trademark Anthroposophische Heilkunde (AGAHP)® is not only a form of "protection of vested rights", but also the protection of an identity-creating copyright, which is also significant in the esoteric context and is now anchored in legal life. (Excerpt from: Renate Künne, AGAHP Handbook)
I am informed that
I confirm by my signature that I have taken note of the mission statement, the professional profile and the professional regulations as well as the respectively valid statutes of ISAN and the founding statutes of the AAG [1] and that I recognise them as binding for me after admission.
[1] The certified Anthroposophic Naturopath, through his ordinary membership in the General Anthroposophical Society, recognises its spiritual centre, the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum. He bases his work on the guiding principles of Anthroposophic Naturopath. He undertakes to continue to work on the further development of his qualification as an Anthroposophic Naturopath in the sense of the mission statement and the legal provisions. He practices Anthroposophic Naturopathy (AGAHP)®.
Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum, Dornach
PO Box
4143 Dornach
Phone: +41 61 706 42 90
Fax +41 61 706 42 91
Office of the ISAN
Waldweg 11
29336 Nienhagen
Phone: +49 5085 9560105
(surgery hours: thursdays 10 - 12 10 - 12 a.m. CET)
International Coordination of Anthroposophic Medicine
International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical
A Professional Community of Prescribers – Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists and Nutritionists in Australia.
Eine professionelle Gemeinschaft von Heilpraktikern in Australien.
more information: ANG
Allgemeine Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Heilpraktikerinnen und Heilpraktiker e. V.
Professional association of Anthroposophic Naturopaths in Germany.
more information: AGAHP e. V.