In 2022, the Mandate Commission of the International Society of Anthroposophic Naturopaths (ISAN) established the "International Core Curriculum for Training and further education in Anthroposophic Naturopathy". The curriculum now forms the basis for all further education courses of the Bildungswerk Anthroposophischer Heilpraktiker ANTHOPOS-SOPHIA and the training courses accredited by ISAN.
Medizinische Sektion am Goetheanum, Dornach
PO Box
4143 Dornach
Phone: +41 61 706 42 90
Fax +41 61 706 42 91
Office of the ISAN
Waldweg 11
29336 Nienhagen
Phone: +49 5085 9560105
(surgery hours: thursdays 10 - 12 10 - 12 a.m. CET)
International Coordination of Anthroposophic Medicine
International Federation of Anthroposophic Medical
A Professional Community of Prescribers – Naturopaths, Homeopaths, Herbalists and Nutritionists in Australia.
Eine professionelle Gemeinschaft von Heilpraktikern in Australien.
more information: ANG
Allgemeine Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Heilpraktikerinnen und Heilpraktiker e. V.
Professional association of Anthroposophic Naturopaths in Germany.
more information: AGAHP e. V.